Friday, May 09, 2008

Charlotte's Web

Zerlynde: How old is Fern?
Mummy: I think she is 9 years old
Zerlynde: I want to be Fern
Mummy: Okay, then you must eat lots of vegetables to be tall like Fern
Zerlynde: Titi is Wilbur
Mummy: Oh! Ok.........

Zerlynde was introduced to Charlotte's Web when I read her a short story from the Charlotte's Web series for little children. She was so enchanted by the story. Not 2 weeks after that, I chanced upon the DVD at a videoshop and bought her a copy as a surprise. She was so happy!
I think she must have watched it 20 times since. The first night, she watched it 3 times till she dozed off in bed.


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