Tuesday, May 30, 2006

K is for Kite

I was singing the alphabet song to Zerlynde on Sat afternoon, the version from Richard Scarry's Best Learning Song Video Ever, which goes like this... "A is for apple, B is for bed, C is the crown that you wear on your head, D is for daisy, E is for eye, F is for fish you can catch it if you try. G is for goose, H is for hat, I is for ice-cream I really like that, J is for jump, K is for.....", then I stopped, I've forgotten what K is for....

Zerlynde kindly reminded me...... "Kite", she said.

:) :) I was so impressed.............

Then I continued singing up to the letter "S", then stopped, puzzled, not remembering how to go on. Zerlynde saw my confusion, and she laughed and laughed, at me.....

Great.......... I have a daughter with a wicked sense of humour......


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