Friday, December 30, 2005

Two words

If you have to depend on only two words to communicate with others daily, what two words would that be?

In the case of Zerlynde, her choice of two words, I must say, clearly indicates the pragmatic person she is. Her first is the word “open”. She says “open” when she wants her food or some biscuits in a container. She requests “open” when she wants the television on. She utters “open” when she needs help to disentangle just about anything. In fact, she uses the word “open” for practically all or any situation where she needs assistance.

Her other indispensable word, or rather, phrase is “no more”. When she wants another piece of biscuit, she tells us “no more”, twisting her wrists simultaneously. When she sees the end-credit of a baby programme rolling in, she utters “no more” so that we would oblige her with a repeat. For any disappointment she encounters, she twists her wrists and looks at us doefully and says “no more” in hope that she would be given “some more”.

Isn’t it a wonder how babies are born with an innate survival instinct.


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